Hi there! I'm a final year Ph.D. student at
the CSE division
University of Michigan working with
Prof. Ang Chen. I spent the first three years of my PhD career at Rice University. In a previous life, I got my BS degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT).
I am broadly interested in systems, networking, security, program analysis and formal verification, with a particular focus on programmable networks and cloud automation.
My PhD journey so far has been full of surprises. It is nothing less than a life changing experience for me. Please feel free to contact me if you are intersted in my research or my story, I would love to chat more with you.
You can find my
[Resume] here.
- Unearthing Semantic Checks for Cloud Infrastructure-as-Code Programs
Yiming Qiu, Patrick Tser Jern Kon, Ryan Beckett, Ang Chen
[SOSP 2024]
[To appear]
- Simplifying Cloud Management with Cloudless Computing
Yiming Qiu, Patrick Tser Jern Kon, Jiarong Xing, Yibo Huang, Hongyi Liu, Xinyu Wang, Peng Huang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Ang Chen
[HotNets 2023]
- Unleashing SmartNIC Packet Processing Performance in P4
Jiarong Xing, Yiming Qiu, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Songyuan Sui, Khalid Manaa, Omer Shabtai, Yonatan Piasetzky, Matty Kadosh
[SIGCOMM 2023]
- Synthesizing Runtime Programmable Switch Updates
Yiming Qiu, Ryan Beckett, Ang Chen
[NSDI 2023]
- Bedrock: Programmable Network Support for Secure RDMA Systems
Jiarong Xing, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Yiming Qiu, Ziyang Yang, Hongyi Liu, Ang Chen
[USENIX Security 2022]
- A Vision for Runtime Programmable Networks
Jiarong Xing, Yiming Qiu, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Hongyi Liu, Matty Kadosh, Alan Lo, Aditya Akella, Thomas Anderson, Arvind Krishnamurthy, T. S. Eugene Ng, Ang Chen
[HotNets 2021]
- Automated SmartNIC Offloading Insights for Network Functions
Yiming Qiu, Jiarong Xing, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Qiao Kang, Ming Liu, Srinivas Narayana, Ang Chen
[SOSP 2021]
- Toward Reconfigurable Kernel Datapaths with Learned Optimizations
Yiming Qiu, Hongyi Liu, Thomas E.Anderson, Yingyan Lin, Ang Chen
[HotOS 2021]
- Probabilistic Profiling of Stateful Data Planes for Adversarial Testing
Qiao Kang, Jiarong Xing, Yiming Qiu, and Ang Chen
[ASPLOS 2021]
- Clara: Performance Clarity for SmartNIC Offloading
Yiming Qiu, Qiao Kang, Ming Liu, and Ang Chen
[HotNets 2020]
- A Feasibility Study on Time-aware Monitoring with Commodity Switches
Yiming Qiu, Kuo-Feng Hsu, Jiarong Xing, and Ang Chen
[SIGCOMM Workshop on SPIN 2020]
Journal reviewer:
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,
Computer Networks,
Conference reviewer:
ACM WWW'2024
Entrepreneur lead:
NSF Innovation Corps (National I-Corps)
Teaching assistant:
Secure and Cloud Computing (Rice COMP 436/536, Fall 2020)
Teaching assistant:
Secure and Cloud Computing (Rice COMP 436/536, Fall 2021)